
We are looking for recent Passaic public high school graduates who have a desire to succeed in higher education and an interest in helping others follow in their footsteps.

MTB Leader Fellowships

MTB has partnered with the Passaic Public Schools to empower low-income, first-generation students to help each other access and succeed in higher education.  

We are recruiting current college students for MTB Leader Fellowships for the academic year 2022-2023.  Applicants must: (1) demonstrate a commitment to success in higher education; (2) be willing to serve as mentors for their younger peers in the Passaic Public School; (3) be a first-generation, low-income student enrolled in a community college or four-year college or university for Fall 2022; and (4) be a graduate of the Passaic Public Schools.

The MTB Leader Fellowship includes a stipend of $1000 for participating in our summer training program as well as monthly stipend of $300 and a computer. Please note that this fellowship requires a significant commitment of time and effort (approximately 20 hours a month).  MTB expects that your own academic success will come first; however, we also expect you to communicate clearly, professionally, and promptly about time conflicts and any issues that arise.

MTB Leaders will conduct weekly mentoring sessions with assigned mentees and participate in monthly group meetings.  Other responsibilities are outlined in the MTB Leader Fellowship Agreement.  

Students are encouraged to submit the application form  by MAY 15,2022.


After the initial review of the applications, the MTB Leader selection committee will invite qualified applicants to interview on Zoom.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Audrey Fisch at audrey@morethanbootstraps.org